Our Services

Individual Counselling

Individual counselling has been designed for individuals, adults, and children who are going through life transitions, lack balance in their lives, or need help with mental health issues. Individual counselling may be beneficial if you are experiencing depression, anxiety, or other unpleasant symptoms for the first time or have been dealing with them for a long time. It is completely understandable that you are concerned about the process, especially if this is your first time seeking counselling. Please remember, we know that it takes a lot of strength and courage to recognize the need to seek out professional help and to follow through.

Individual counselling provides you the opportunity to discuss anything that concerns you. Our transpersonal counselling approach allows you to consider your life in the context of your many relationships, including those with family, coworkers, and friends. We value how those relationships influence how you feel and how those feelings influence your behavior.

Relationship Counselling

Does relationship counselling work? What are the chances that relationship counselling will save a relationship that has been consumed by constant negative arguing? The truth is that it takes two to make a relationship work; both parties must be committed and willing participants. What if the couple already despises each other? The outcome is entirely in the hands of the parties involved. It will not work if one is not committed. According to the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, 98 percent of couples who attend relationship counselling sessions are satisfied. Working with a relationship counsellor requires the most open-mindedness. It is also necessary to be willing to listen to the other partner. Aside from those major success factors, four other lessons were evident among the couples studied.

The first few visits are informational – Major conflict should not be expected. As a result, remain open-minded. The counsellor will be able to ask both partners to explain their history through a simple question and answer session. This critical step allows for the formation of a counselling foundation. It's not just "Uh huh" and "Tell me why you feel that way" – now is the time to dig deep and open up to your partner. Relationship counselling focuses on developing a new relationship with each other rather than maintaining the status quo.

Pre-marital counselling

A lot of couples opt to undergo premarital counseling sessions before getting married. These sessions discuss what marriage means and how it will affect the couple’s lives. Premarital counseling is a great way for you and your partner to talk about all of these questions, get on the same page, and work out any issues that may arise in the future.

Parenting Challenge

Child Parent Relationship Training is a combination between play therapy and family therapy. The focus is on the relationship between you and your child, rather than the problem.

CPR-T teaches parents how to use some of the same skills that play therapists use to help children experiencing social, emotional, or behavioral problems. This play-based approach not only helps parents learn to manage their children’s behavior successfully, it also provides parents with the keys to enhancing and strengthening the parent-child bond, and having more fun with their children.

Collaborative Divorce Coaching Service

Collaborative Divorce is a viable alternative to traditional adversarial divorce in which both partners work together to reach an agreement that is in everyone's best interests. A traditional Collaborative process is a team approach in which Collaborative lawyers, Therapists/Coaches, and Financial Planners work with families to help them transition from conflict to resolution.

One of the Collaborative team's neutrals is the Collaborative Divorce coach. Being a neutral frees up the other professionals to concentrate on their areas of expertise, while allowing the attorneys to concentrate on your desired solution. The collaborative divorce coach will facilitate all meetings, lending a neutral voice to the negotiation and bringing their specific background and skill set.

In the collaborative process, you will have a voice and a say in what your future looks like, and as your coach we will help guide you to a future that allows you, and the members of your family, to thrive, rather than just survive.

Separation, Divorce

Some relationships/marriages end abruptly, while others appear to fall apart gradually. If your relationships/marriage breaks down, you are likely to experience a wide range of intense emotions, including sadness, anger, hurt, fear and anxiety about an uncertain future, loneliness, confusion over the many decisions you must make, and a sense of failure at your lost plans and dreams. We have specialists and counsellors on staff who have years of experience and training in assisting people to find a way to get off the emotional roller coaster. We can help you move through these stages and move on with your life in a positive and healthy way

Co-parenting Support Service

Dealing with the consequences of divorce on children is an important stage of the divorce process. Most divorcing families are concerned about what their children are going through and how it will affect them. Children have the capacity for resilience. Parents who assist their children in adapting to changing family dynamics will see their child(ren) continue to thrive after divorce. You can learn parenting techniques to help your children adjust to the change with the help of a parenting coach. A parenting coach will assist you and your ex in developing a healthy and effective co-parenting relationship.

Kiwe has extensive knowledge of child development, parenting through divorce, and the many factors that must be considered to ensure your children's best interests are met. We have flexible appointment times and a kid-friendly environment.

Senior Wellness Service

When was the last time you seriously considered your own mental health? Do you have any doubts? As a senior, you may not give much thought to "mental health." After all, many people in our society are unsure of how to approach the subject. If this topic isn't at the top of your priority list, you're not alone. But perhaps it should be.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), roughly 15% of all adults over the age of 60 have a mental health problem. That means you probably know people who have been affected by conditions like the ones listed below, even if they have kept their struggles private. Remember, none of these issues are considered normal parts of ageing by professionals. They are also not something to be ashamed of. They are real conditions that can often be successfully treated or managed with professional assistance. Some of the most common mental health issues in the elderly and senior population include: Depression, Anxiety disorder, Dementia, Bipolar Disorder, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Addiction, etc. Don’t wait if you suspect that you are experiencing any of the challenges or feeling not well. Call us and book your free 20 mins consultation.

Adolescent and Teens Counselling

Adolescence and teens are critical stages in human development. On their way to adulthood, young people go through many physical, psychological, identity, and relationship changes during their adolescence and teens. Decades of research indicate that the dramatic hormonal changes and rapid brain development that occur during adolescence frequently result in decreased impulse control and increased risk-taking behaviours. Problematic behaviour can manifest externally (anger, aggression, and family conflict) or internally (your adolescent's feelings about entering adulthood) (anxiety, depression and family withdrawal).

While they are frequently stereotyped as a difficult and turbulent time, it is important to remember that many adolescents and teens progress through this developmental stage of life in a respectful and peaceful manner.

Adolescent and teens counselling services from Kiwe assist teenagers and their families in identifying ways to approach this time in a way that promotes their psycho-social development. Counseling assists teenagers in feeling safe, good about themselves, and engaging in respectful relationships.

We support adolescents and teens in:

  • Anger management
  • Academic Difficulties
  • Anxiety
  • Behavioural concerns
  • Body image issues
  • Bullying (online and at school)
  • Depression
  • Drug and alcohol concerns
  • Eating disorders
  • Family conflict
  • Grief and loss
  • Interpersonal conflict
  • Relationship issues
  • School refusal and disengagement
  • Self-harm and suicidal ideation
  • Self-esteem issues
  • Sexuality
  • Sleep issues
  • Social isolation
  • Stress