Our Counsellors


Sara Wang

National-Certificated Class II Psychological Counsellor

 I love life. I believe that every being is a unique existence in the world, but also with its own different purpose. When visitors slowly present their situation, me seeing the helplessness after the struggle, the confusion after doubt, the loss of expectation, the grievances of not being understood, the suffering of loss of love, the anger after being betrayed.

What should have been a wonderful life was grey in the trough, and even bent on ending it. Looking back over a decade of career in counselling, what I've been doing is sometimes taking away the emotional cloth that covers their eyes and making them look again at their lives and the relationships they are so trapped in; sometimes cleaning up their wounds and spending the hard healing period with them; sometimes pulling away the stones that hold the seedlings down so that they can enjoy growing. Seeing people who I have helped could face life with a new look makes me happy the most. Their lives may not be less difficult because of counselling, but they will certainly have more courage and ways to walk towards it.

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